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Article. Well-Being Consciousness and College Access Borderlands: Staff Perspectives on Students' Well-Being.
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Article: A Web of Support: A Critical Narrative Analysis of Black Women's Relationships in STEM Disciplines
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New Faculty Welcome. University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education. Fall 2023
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Chronicle of Higher Education Op-Ed
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Breck School (MN) visit and presentation. Fall 2023
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Edward Bouchet Honor Society Induction. University of Wisconsin- Madison. Spring 2023
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NYU Steinhart Faculty First Look (FFL) Alumni Reunion Scavenger Hunt. New York University. Summer 2023
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Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) annual conference. Minnesota, MN. Fall 2023
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Article. Community and Culture: Black women reminiscing on their experiences in college transition programs
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Research talk at the Center for Health Minds. Madison, WI. Fall 2023
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Plasticity of Well-Being Summer Workshop. June 2023
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Photo with Richie Davidson & John Dunne. Plasticity of Well-Being Workshop. Center for Healthy Minds. June 2023